Class Code 8832 Rates & Quotes

Physician & Clerical

Class code 8832 is used for employees who are considered medical providers operating in an environment typical of a doctor’s office. This would include positions such as physicians, ophthalmologists, dentists, therapists, and full time psychologists and social workers (working in an outpatient mental health clinic), as well as maintenance employees, clerical office workers, officers of professional corporations (if qualified), and others that work in a related position. Additionally, those professionals that work within a weight control center are also included. Travel is allowed and those under class code 8832 may provide medical services to patients outside of the office location as long as this is incidental and not the entire scope of the business.

Insureds excluded from this classification would be those who are employed by a hospital or independent medical testing lab, employees whose job duties are not performed on the portions of a premise used for professional purposes, optometrists who are employed by an optical store, satellite dispensaries, anyone working for an emergency medical treatment facility, and any employee of a clinic or other facility that is part of a hospital’s operations or provides overnight accommodations to patients.

Florida Rates for Class Code 8832

2022 Rate Get Quote: Click Here

2021 Rate: Click Here

2020 Rate: $0.34

2019 Rate: $0.38

Each workers' compensation class code in Florida has a unique rate assigned to it based on the likelihood of workplace injuries for the group of employees throughout the state that are assigned to that class code. Click this link for more information about the ratemaking process. The rates used in Florida workers comp insurance are adjusted annually by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation.

The 2020 rate for class code 8832 is 0.34 dollars for every 100 dollars of remuneration.

Despite the manual rates being set by the Florida government for workers comp class codes, there are still ways that employers can lower their overall workers compensation costs and total premium. Our insurance agents would like the opportunity to discuss these premium discounts and other cost savings measures with your business. Contact us today to receive competitive quotes for your business.

Other Related Class Codes

*This description of class code 8832 is a summary of the official description from NCCI that should be used for determining the correct application of a classification code for a Florida business and the groups of employees in that business. This short summary is provided as a courtesy for assisting FloridaWC's clients and potential clients in educating them about the most commonly used class codes in Florida that could be applied to their business operations. For more information about a class code, please use the contact form links below to request the official class codes descriptions from one of our insurance agents.